Our Story
The origin of Green Mountain Dry Goods is a simple equation of A + B = GMDG. The “A” is Euro Decals, a wholesale company founded here in Vermont in 1994 based on the premise of introducing the oval European-style auto decal to the USA. Essentially giving the basic bumper sticker a classy upgrade.
The “B” is Jeff Cooper, who purchased Euro Decals at the tail end of 2015. With Jeff’s encouragement, Christine and Jamie have been working to expand the brand; our designs now grace a wide range of products, from bamboo fridge magnets to mini license plate-shaped keychains (CREEMEE – if you know, you know) to pint glasses to hoodies. Our products can be found in shops throughout Vermont, but opening a retail store of our own to showcase the entire line was the next logical step. When the building directly across from Ben & Jerry’s in Waterbury became available, we dove right in.
Our mantra at Green Mountain Dry Goods is Vermont designed, Vermont made, Vermont inspired. Many of our soft goods (t-shirts, hoodies, baby bibs, tea towels, etc.) feature Jamie’s designs and are printed right here in house. From Vermont businesses and independent makers we have wall art, handmade soap, candles, pottery, glass ornaments, jewelry, notecards, hooked pillows, books. Our youngest maker - 13 year old Waterbury resident Logan - makes Vermont-shaped magnets from rocks he cuts and polishes himself. Fun fact: did you know the largest manufacturer of cookies cutters in the United States is here in Vermont? And the food! Maple, maple, maple. We fill in all the leftover spaces with unique things we consider Vermont inspired, right down to the purple plush unicorn wearing its own Vermont-design t-shirt. Yes, we print those shirts here, too.